
Second transnational live meeting in Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 11-12 January 2023

After the successfull kick-off of the project in Padua at IRECOOP (Veneto), the second transnational meeting will be organized by NARHU, National Association of Professionals working with people with Disability.

The objective of this meeting will be to work, co create and develop a framework for the tools for:

  • the assessment and improving beliefs of adult educators;
  • the improvement of skills for adult educators.

The actual activities and national projects of Narhu provide a wealth of experiences that are useful for the TETRA-S project: sharing good practices and challenges educators find whilst training their learners, development of recommendations based on the good practices and the critical factors of success as found in Bulgaria.

NARHU has significant experience in the implementation of various programmes aiming at social inclusion of people with disabilities, including those with intellectual and cognitive disabilities. Among the most successful ones are: use of artificial intelligence and educational serious games to train people with disabilities on the acquisition of social skills – communication, cooperation with others, self-control. In addition, we are implementing trainings on transversal skills through blended learning approaches. They include problem solving, self-regulation, team work etc. The trainings combine traditional teaching with reasonable adaptation of the teaching strategies supported by online learning through gaming, simulations and educative videos.

AGENDA of the Second TPM for Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in adult education

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