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You are invited to the TETRA-S Final Multiplier Event

The TETRA-S project planned to hold a multiplier event in Brussels shortly before the end of the two-and-a-half-year project to disseminate the results and products as well as to discuss the future use of the TETRA-S training materials and tools in the light of EU values for equality, inclusion and cohesion.

This event thus becomes an opportunity to:

  • meet at European level with other organisations working in the field of education and social inclusion, policymakers and officers from the institutions and to disseminate the project results
  • exchange views at EU level on social inclusion and skills needed by educators working with persons with cognitive needs

Venue: Veneto Region's Brussels Office - Av. de Tervueren 67, Etterbeek, 1040, Brussels (Belgium)

When: 26 November 2024 from 10:00 to 13:00

Networking Lunch from 13:00 to 14:30

Provisional Agenda

09:30: Registration and Welcome Coffee


Welcome words and greetings

Addressing and supporting Social Inclusion of persons with disabilities

What is the added value of TETRA-S

The E-learning tool and the MOOC

Panel 1: Improving beliefs and skills for adult educators to realize transfer and successful social inclusion,

Q&A Session

Panel 2: European synergies

Concluding remarks, impact, wrap up and next steps

13:00 – 14.30: Networking Lunch

The Final Agenda will follow soon

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